666儀器網 666儀器網,www.lab666.com.tw,萬柏科儀有限公司,儀器網,電泳槽,影像分析軟體,質譜分析軟體,冷凍冷藏櫃,滅菌鍋,攪拌器,濃縮機,離心機,比色槽


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1. 二維電泳分析服務。
2. 英文論文編輯服務。
3. 濃縮設備、培養箱、光譜分析儀
4. 實驗室一般理化儀器設備、試藥、耗材。
5. 電泳實驗相關儀器、試藥、耗材及分析軟體。
6. 質譜數據定量分析軟體、二維電泳影像分析軟體。
電話: (02)2451-4745 
傳真: (02)2451-6592
地址: 基隆市七堵區六堵二街9號
營業時間: 星期一至五 9:00~17:00
CAE Tech. Co., Ltd. was established in 2009 in Taipei County, for the universities and researchunits of equipment suppliers, the current number of production and distribution in Europe, America and Japan, imports of equipment, supplies, reagents analysis software related products:
1. The general physical and chemical laboratory equipment, reagents, supplies. 
2. Electrophoresis-related instruments, reagents, consumables and analysis software.
3. Enrichment equipment, incubator, spectrum analyzer
4. MS data of quantitative analysis software, Two-dimensional gel image software
5. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis services
6. English paper editing service
We have a wealth of professional equipment, pay more attention to after-sales service, lookingforward to get your trust and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
TEL: +886-2-24514745
FAX: +886-2-24516592
Contact: Ms. Eliza Lin
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